
Gaddy Games
Based in France

Founding date:
January 1, 2012


Press / Business contact:


Plan B Terraform
Dig Or Die



Gaddy Games is an independent Video Games studio founded in 2011 by Nicolas Gadenne (Ex Eugen Systems, Vivendi games, MKO Games, Punchers Impact). It has published various small web and mobile games, then Dig or Die, a unique action/strategy sandbox game for PC/Steam, and is now working on Plan B: Terraform.


Early history

My name is Nicolas "Gaddy" Gadenne, and I've created Gaddy Games in 2012, after working in various video games companies (Eugen System, MKO Games, Punchers Impact). I first developped various advert-games for companies like Poulain or Häagen-Dazs France, while in the same time I published several small web and mobile games (Alien Defense, Gaia Defense, Chocobar Mania, etc), either alone or with Aurélien Marck.

Dig or Die

As those web and mobile game didn't get any success, I decided to develop a much more ambitious game: Dig or Die. It's a action/strategy sandbox game that experiments unique ideas: tower defense every night, global water simulation with dynamic rain and rivers (never seen in any other game !), collapsing building, unique progression system, etc. The game was greenlighted in March 2014, entered Steam Early Access in February 2015, and was released on July 10th, 2018.

Plan B: Terraform

Thanks to Dig or Die success, I was able to start a new project I had had in mind for a long time, Plan B: Terraform. It's a management/simulation game, where player must manage the resources of a newly discovered planet, to grow its cities and terraform it. The game will be released in early 2023.



Plan B: Terraform - Announcement Trailer YouTube

Dig or Die v1.0 trailer YouTube


There are far more images available for Gaddy Games, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!


Awards & Recognition

    Team & Repeating Collaborator

    Nicolas Gadenne

    presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks